End of next month, I am on a big jet plane (as the Angus and Julia Stone’s song goes) to Rome.

My third visit and I am truly enamoured with this country. Where can you find another city with such a plethora of art treasures, grandiose churches and picture perfect scenery.

As ladies do, my attention is already on what I need to pack to wear. Absolutely going back to Italy with me is my favourite good luck charm.

me at winery

It’s a T shirt – an old and well travelled T shirt…….. quite holy in fact. This shirt has visited many churches plus a few medieval ruins and a Greek temple or two.




close up t shirt
The caption says it all, my spirit at heart.

Last time in Italy it brought unexpected opportunities and the wearer a lot of fun.

I had found that quaintest of ristorante (restaurant in Italian) in a hilltop town Montepulciano for that long settle in degustation of lunch.  Some local vino for which the area is famous for, the view down the valley,  buonissimo!

The table next to me heard the Australian accent and asked where did I hail from.  Adelaide, I said.

Would you believe it the woman said I know someone who lives in Adelaide. (Only a city of one million people.  Always amazes me when overseas you mention a town in Australia and you expected to know everyone.  Probably because of the village mentality in hilltop towns or they think Australian towns are itty bitty size, not too sure)

His name is Hugh Hamilton and he owns a winery. This winery I pointed to my T Shirt.  Thanks Hugh you were my passport to an invitation to their home for a party that evening and some many fine local wine and food was shared.  Actually south of Adelaide in Mclaren Vale, if you care to join the Black Sheep club.

thsirt at temple
Posing at Paestum



T shirt dines at Amalfi
Dining at Amalfi



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